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Webinar Series

ONLINE  Webinar conducted - Group sessions for your technical team please contact:

Topics :

Webinar  Series 2001

Topic  Winkler Diagram – Tool to Modern Brick Making

Date  & Time - To be decided- as per clients convenience

Via  Google Meet

Duration : 1.5 Hrs

Topic Brief:

Clay as is generally spoken is actually SOIL. Soil consists of various grain size materials. Ranging from coarse, medium to fine. Knowing the sand, silt and clay content of these soils determines the clay type, & use of this soil. Particle size distribution is a test conducted on these soils to determine the various grain size fractions which are then plotted on winkler diagram to know the type of soil. (like -  Sandy clay, Loam, clay loam etc.,)

This webinar will cover topics like soil, grain size, and definition of clay, types of clays and the use of such clays for various applications. A brief on the tests available will also be covered. It should be noted that clays which are suited for making solid bricks cannot be used to make hollow blocks. 

This webinar is useful to brick makers – especially those who wish to change over or start to make hollow blocks or perforated bricks. .


Webinar 2002:

Topic : Clay Preparation and Forming of clay bricks / blocks.

Date  & Time - To be decided- as per clients convenience

Via  Google Meet

Duration : 1.5 Hrs

Topic Brief : 

The following will be covered during this presentation:

  1. Pre clay preparation.                                         

  2. Mixing Vs Homogenization

  3. Clay Preparation (CP) Concepts and methods,

  4. CP equipment’s

  5. Designing of CP Process.

  6. The CP process for different forming methods.

  7. Extruder – the major parts and its functions.

  8. Extruder – the importance of the shredder, comb, vacuum chamber, paddles, barrel, pressure head and shaper cup.

  9. Extruder – Pressure generators and pressure consumers.

  10. Factors affecting Extrusion

  11. Types of pressure heads and effects of its geometry.

  12. Brief about augers and auger lips

  13. Types of barrel liners.

  14. Extruder feed regulation – positive and negative effects.


The data, graphics, and information shared during this Webinar are from experts and renowned brick makers from world over. It will be a “first of its kind” with exclusive data never shared or available on the internet.


This webinar will benefit brick makers who are presently extruding and for those who intend to change over or upgrade to extrusion.

Presenter Profile : Kannan V K – a ceramic engineer with over 25 yr of manufacturing experience in the heavy clay industry.


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