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Clay Testing Service

Testing Services:

                               Raw Clay Testing :

  1. Particle size analysis and plotting on Winkler diagram


                              Brick – forming / Drying / firing Testing :

  1. Forming by extrusion or dry press ( as per customer requirements)

  2. Shrinkage – Dry, Fired & Total

  3. Water Absorption

  4. Loss on Ignition

  5. Bulk Density.

  6. Color of fired Samples.


                              R & D Services :

  1. New product development – Various Color Developments.

  2. New product development – colors at various temperatures / Atmospheres.


 Importance of PSD : 
Testing of clays for the particle size to ascertain the percentage of sand, silt and clay.
Particle size distribution by the sedimentation method – the most widely used method of clay testing by world renowned brick companies, is a method to find the

percentage of various grain size fractions.


Benefits of this PSD Test:

1. To know the % clay content in your soil

2. To know the % Silt and % Sand in your soil.

3. To Know the type of clay.

4. To know the use of this clay ( can it be used to make solid bricks or

hollow blocks  or perforated bricks or roofing tiles) 

5. Helps to know to amount of recycled or other materials that can be added / blended with this soil to make the end product. 

6. No need to do other tests like water of plasticity, plasticity index etc.,

7. The engineering properties of the soil/clay are governed by PSD, and hence is an important test to ascertain the quality of your soil.
8. The Results are reported as % of sand, silt and clay and plotted on

the winkler diagram below and supported with conclusion remarks.


Interested to get your clay tested – please contact for sampling method, pricing and sample forwarding address. 


Winkler diagram.png
Lab extruded fired sample
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